Presentation: Quantitative Analysis of Aperiodic Voicing: A Case Study of Quantifying Ten Extreme Vocalizations used in Deathcore

Since its inception in the early 1970s, metal music has not received the same degree of attention from those in the musicology and voice science communities as other genres despite its growing popularity. The vocal sounds used in metal music have been described as noisy, heavy, non-harmonic, and lacking in fundamental pitch (Herbst and Mynett, 2023). Even so, experts have not reached consensus as to what central characteristics or combinations of characteristics distinguish these vocal sounds.

Within the metal and deathcore genres, there is significant variability among the aesthetics of the sounds that artists create and, we suspect, equal variability among the functional and mechanical way in which those sounds are created. This study will begin to scientifically stratify these extreme vocalizations to broadly classify the sounds of this increasingly popular genre.

Panel: Bridging Art and Science: The Role of the Singing Voice Specialist in Vocal Health and Performance

This panel will explore the multifaceted role of the Singing Voice Specialist (SVS) in bridging the gap between vocal artistry and clinical science. Featuring both SVS-teachers of singing and clinical SVSs, the discussion will highlight the unique contributions of each perspective to vocal health and performance. Topics will include collaboration with healthcare professionals, strategies for integrating science into voice training, and practical approaches for addressing the needs of singers in various settings. Attendees will gain insights into how SVSs navigate the intersection of art and science to support singers in achieving their best vocal outcomes.

Lynn Maxfield, PhD

Lynn Maxfield, PhD, is Director of the Utah Center for Vocology and Associate Professor (Lecturer) at the University of Utah’s School of Music.  He also serves as the contracted Voice Coach at the Utah of Utah Voice Disorders Center and is the Associate Editor of the Mindful Voice column of the NATS Journal of Singing. He holds a PhD in Voice Pedagogy and an MA in Voice Performance, both from the University of Iowa. 

Financial Disclosure: Dr. Maxfield has no financial relationships to disclose. 

Non-Financial Disclosure:
 Dr. Maxfield has no  non-financial relationships to disclose.