Presentation: Application of Vocal Effects in Popular Music Styles

Vocal effects like distortion, growling, and grunting are a unique part of popular music performance, ranging in application from pop, soul, and blues to rock and metal. While recent research has made strides in defining the physiological bases of these sounds, there is no universally agreed upon terminology or standard approach to teaching them.

In this workshop, participants will learn:

  • Perceptual descriptions and biomechanics of five distinct vocal effects.

  • Strategies for accessing these effects, including auditory and kinesthetic cues and visualization.

  • Common genre and subgenre-specific applications of all five effects.

  • Pedagogical and ethical considerations particular to teaching vocal effects, including the importance of setting reasonable expectations and maintaining open communication to safeguard student vocal health

May Oskan

May Oskan is pursuing an MA in voice pedagogy at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David,

where her research focuses on evidence-informed teaching strategies for popular music singing

styles and ACT coaching for performance and creativity. She teaches and coaches in a private

studio in Oakland, California.

Financial Disclosure: Ms. Oskan has no financial relationships to disclose. 

Non-Financial Disclosure:
 Ms. Oskan has no non-financial relationships to disclose.