Panel: Bridging Art and Science: The Role of the Singing Voice Specialist in Vocal Health and Performance

This panel will explore the multifaceted role of the Singing Voice Specialist (SVS) in bridging the gap between vocal artistry and clinical science. Featuring both SVS-teachers of singing and clinical SVSs, the discussion will highlight the unique contributions of each perspective to vocal health and performance. Topics will include collaboration with healthcare professionals, strategies for integrating science into voice training, and practical approaches for addressing the needs of singers in various settings. Attendees will gain insights into how SVSs navigate the intersection of art and science to support singers in achieving their best vocal outcomes.

Kari Ragan, DMA

Singer, author, and voice pedagogue, Kari Ragan holds degrees from the University of Washington (DMA), and Indiana University (MM, BM). In 2012, Dr. Ragan was the recipient of the Van. L. Lawrence Award. This prestigious award, presented jointly by The Voice Foundation and the National Association of Teachers of Singing, afforded her the opportunity to research cool-down physiology for singers. Dr. Ragan was also the recipient of the NATS Foundation Pedagogy Award (2009), earned the NYSTA Distinguished Voice Professional Certificate (2009), the Wicklund Singing Voice Specialist Certificate (2010), and was selected to be a Master Teacher for the NATS Intern Program (2021). As a singing voice rehabilitation specialist (SVS), Dr. Ragan works in affiliation with the University of Washington Laryngology program to help rehabilitate singers with injured voices. She has maintained a thriving Independent Voice Studio for nearly forty years and served as Artist in Residence at the University of Washington School of Music teaching Applied Voice, Voice Pedagogy, and more. Dr. Ragan serves as the NATS Advancement Committee Chair and on the NATS/Rowman & Littlefield Editorial Board, and is the moderator of NATS Chats, a national monthly webinar. Dr. Ragan will serve as Program Chair of the 2025 International Congress of Voice Teachers (ICVT) to be held in Toronto, Canada. She is the co-founder and organizer of the Northwest Voice: Art and Science of the Performing Voice Conference, a multi-disciplinary meeting held annually in Seattle, Washington. Plural Publishing released her book A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application in 2020. Other publications and information can be found at

Financial Disclosure: Dr. Ragan receives royalties from her book "A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application" published by Plural Publishing. 

Non-Financial Disclosure:
 Dr. Ragan is a member of the conference planning committee. She has no other non-financial relationships to disclose.