Keynote Presentation: Care of the Performing Voice - Less Art, More Science

Performing voice care has long been regarded as a delicate and demanding field, distinct from other areas of laryngology because of the expressive needs of the performer’s voice. This emphasis on the "art" of care has unfortunately resulted in long neglect of evidence-based information considered basic in other areas of medicine. This may be obtained in the same way as in other patients and disorders, by systematic critical evaluation of clinical practice. Such data serves to dispel misinformation, some of it deeply ingrained in the tradition of performing voice medicine, demystify care and de-catastrophize commonly held notions about the grave nature of vocal injury. Finally, it offers new insights regarding sources and patterns of injury from voice use, including the role of gender and individual laryngeal characteristics.

Panel: Insights from the Clinic: Case Studies in Laryngology

This panel brings together leading laryngologists to present and discuss complex case studies from their clinical practice. Through these real-world examples, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches used to address a variety of vocal health challenges. Topics will include innovative treatments, interdisciplinary collaboration, and lessons learned from both common and rare vocal pathologies. This session offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between clinical expertise and vocal pedagogy, fostering a richer understanding of how medical insights can inform and enhance voice care for singers and speakers alike.

Lucian Sulica, MD

Dr. Lucian Sulica is the Director of the Institute and the Sean Parker Professor of Laryngology. His practice is limited to voice disorders. He has a special interest in medical and microsurgical treatment of injuries of the vocal cord (or fold) from voice use, particularly in performers, and in neurologic voice disorders, including vocal fold paralysis and paresis, spasmodic dysphonia and tremor. Dr. Sulica has also been a leader in the development of procedures for the treatment of voice disorders in the office, without the need for general anesthesia.

Dr. Sulica is the recipient of the American Laryngological Association's Casselberry Award for distinguished research in laryngology, awarded only 27 times in its 105-year history, for work on the mechanics of vocal fold injury, as well as the Felix Semon Medal of the Royal Society of Medicine. His investigations have been devoted to establishing clear, evidence-driven principles for the treatment of voice conditions. They have addressed basic factors in injury from voice use, including important gender differences; the pathophysiology and natural history of laryngeal nerve injury; diagnostic accuracy in voice disorders and outcomes in surgical and behavioral treatment of benign vocal fold lesions. Dr. Sulica has published frequently cited works on the safety and utility of vocal fold injection in the awake unsedated patient, the use of botulinum toxin for voice disorders, treatment of vocal fold paralysis and a host of other topics. In all, Dr. Sulica has authored more than 110 journal articles and 40 book chapters. He has edited three books, Vocal Fold Paralysis, Classics in Voice and Laryngology, and Patologia Laringea y Fonocirugia, the last in Spanish. He is as passionate about teaching as he is about clinical care and research, and has lectured extensively in the United States and Europe, Latin America and Australia.

Dr. Sulica served as the 2023 President of the American Laryngological Association, and is a Fellow of the American Laryngologic, Rhinologic and Otologic Society (the Triologic Society). Dr. Sulica has been selected one of the Best Doctors in America since 2005; one of America's Top Physicians in Voice Disorders/Laryngology since 2006; a Castle-Connolly Top Doctor for the NY Metro Area; and a New York Magazine Best Doctor annually since 2013.

Financial Disclosure: Dr. Sulica is receiving an honorarium from NW Voice for presenting. He has no other financial relationships to disclose.

Non-Financial Disclosure: ​Dr. Sulica has no non-financial relationships to disclose.